Monday, March 24, 2014

Pronation.. what?

PRONATION.... Dun dun dunnnnn
What is over/under pronation?
Pronation is the rotation of the ankle that occurs under pressure.

If it is visible when walking, it probably occurs while running AND...
Running puts 10 times the pressure on your feet than walking! TEN TIMES!


Makes you think:
Then think about how it affects the ankle and the lower leg! ....
THEN think about its effect on the WHOLE BODY! 

In short, pronation is an issue that permeates through the body. Lower back pain, hip, knee, ankle (joint) pain can often be explained by pronation or instability in the ankle and foot relationship. This can often be experienced when shoes break down from use. What once seemed like your best friends start to betray you as aches and pains start to immerge. That is why replacing shoes can reduce injury and why pronation correction can help runners prevent injury.

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