Monday, March 24, 2014

Going the distance.

So it is really not so bad.
There a few options, and your competitive ability is, in large part, genetic or natural. 
However, most people interested in running want to be able to go out and take a long jog, feel the wind in their hair, be free! 

So here are the basic distances in terms of predetermined races:

  • 2k (good starter, usually more for speed)
  • 5k (feels long for just over 3 miles, also a good time to try for speed)
  • 10k 
  • Half Marathon (13.1 Miles)
  • Full marathon (26.2 Miles... getting excessive)
  • Ultra (5km, 50km, 50 miles, or 100 miles... what is wrong with you? Do you enjoy pain?)
Otherwise, shorter sprint distances on the track might be more your style! 
Sprinting will build muscle while long distance training keeps you lean but toned. Want a butt? Sprint.
Want wiry strength? Distance.

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